We visited churches and a museum today. We started with the Jesus Church, which is also known as the Church of Jesus Heart. Jesus is depicted as an child with a lamb drinking the blood of his heart. Neat-o, huh? The church is rather small, but was only used for burials (and now occasionally for a wedding).
Entrance gate
The church is encircled by a wall.
The altar with the photo of Jesus and the lamb,
The ceiling, which is not original, but was redone in 1903.
Their are burials under the floor.
The lock is awesome!
Original fresco. I see a face.
These are essentially headstones.
Keys to the church
Our second stop was at A Székelyderzsi Unitárius Vártemplom which is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It is being renovated right now.
Inside the church...
Ticket to get in...
View from the balcony...
The construction has disturbed the soil in the courtyard and caused bones to come to the surface.
Finger bone...
At the top of these stairs is a room where meat such as bacon was hung to cure.
A molar in a puddle.
The next church we went to was Bogoz. This is where the burials we are working on in the lab came from. Unfortunately, we could not go inside the sanctuary because a baptism was taking place. We do walk around in the courtyard though.
Stork nest on the church roof.
Entrance to the church...
Inside a large crevice, there is a door that is filled in with bricks and rocks.
Church doors...
Courtyard door...
Stork again...
Our last tour stop was the Molnar Istvan Muzeum.
Dish of coins..
Intricate tiles from a stove...
Hand carved tiles...
A solider...
Traditional dress...
The museum has a huge building full of hand carved wooden tools.
There is a traditional house.
The stove...
Hand carved chair.
The gate...
The museum also has a taxidermy collection.
We ate lunch near the museum. Apparently the restaurant is Team Edward. :)
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